Lousy Candidate

September 28, 2012 § Leave a comment

“Lousy candidate; highly qualified to be president.”

  • Source: Politico
  • Context: A comment by a top Romney official according to Politico. The official claimed that Romney is a lousy candidate but would make a great President. Another official said that “he’s a great leader, but he’s not a great politician.”

The Worst of Both Worlds

September 13, 2012 § Leave a comment

“Romney needed to decide long ago who he was: the last of the Rockefeller Republicans (and thus somebody who probably wouldn’t have gotten through Iowa) or a genuine movement conservative with detailed ideas about how to right the country. We have a nominee who represents the worst of both worlds. Any swing voter attracted by moderate Republicanism can’t vote for a man who ran away from his core convictions. And conservative voters don’t believe Romney has any core convictions.”

  • Joe Scarborough, former Republican member of the House of Representatives and cable news and radio host, September 12, 2012
  • Source: The Problem With Mitt (opinion piece for Politico)
  • Context: Joe Scarborough critiques Mitt Romney and his campaign, saying that they are practically giving away an election that should have been a sure win for the Republican Party. Apart from all of the campaigns blunders and gaffe’s, Scarborough contends that the real problem is with Mitt Romney himself:

“If we want to win the battle of ideas in the long term, we should be willing to face the fact that Mitt Romney is likely to lose — and should, given that he’s neither a true conservative nor a courageous moderate. He’s just an ambitious man. Nothing wrong with that, except when you want to be president. Great leaders combine ambition and ideas and conviction.”

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